Consulting Projects

Peninsula Health Concepts expertise includes strategic planning, meeting facilitation, board development, management consulting, grant writing, advocacy, training, executive coaching and coalition development. From training addiction counselors in New Hampshire to coaching an executive director in Spokane, Washington almost anything to do with non-profit management and human services delivery is within the PHC scope.

Below is a list of some of the recipients of Peninsula Health Concepts consulting services.

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Valley Health Associates (Salinas, CA)
National Opioid Response Network
National Bringing Recovery Supports to Scale-Technical Assistance Center
New Hampshire Institute for Addiction Training
Voices of Recovery San Mateo County
Alta California Regional Center (Sacrament, CA)
San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services
Rhode Island College
Friends of Recovery-Vermont
Victory Programs (Boston)
Alkermes Pharmaceuticals
Toward Maximum Independence (San Diego)
Missouri Department of Mental Health Services
The California Endowment
The California Wellness Foundation
The California HealthCare Foundation
North Bay Regional Center
Pima Prevention Partnership
Frankfort International School
The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment
Life scan, Hazelden
Association for Retarded Citizens (Ventura County)
National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research
Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Colorado Rehabilitation Association
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Veterans Administration National Spinal Cord injury Center (Palo Alto)
Nevada Bureau of Substance Abuse Services
California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
The EMT Group
Johnson, Bassin & Shaw, Revive Reentry Services (Spokane, WA)
Easy Does It Emergency Services
The Lindesmith Center
Nanjing Foreign Language School