Foundational, pioneering work
that restores lives.

Building a legacy of service, education, and research for four decades.

Peninsula Health Concepts is the business name for John de Miranda. Created upon his arrival on the San Francisco Peninsula in 1979, the name has been associated with several major national projects and scores of focused efforts to improve governmental, corporate and nonprofit activities that improve the quality of life for thousands of Americans.

Information about some of these efforts is contained in this website. Here you can learn about the history of campaigns to open up addiction treatment to people with physical, sensory, developmental and cognitive disabilities, as well as to educate Americans in recovery about the civil rights protections afforded by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

John’s work as an advocate is well-known. He was an early adopter of progressive drug policy reform and harm reduction approaches, and was involved in a Supreme Court case to protect people in recovery from employment discrimination.

John de Miranda with President Clinton’s Drug Czar General Barry McCaffrey at the White House.

John de Miranda with President Clinton’s Drug Czar General Barry McCaffrey at the White House.

Presentation by John de Miranda at the 2020 West Coast Symposium on Addiction Disorders. The presentation starts at 1 minute 10 seconds.

Beyond Risk and Back - Helping parents get their kids back. Helping your kids find the path to joy, fulfillment, and maturity.

Tobacco Harm Reduction Project


National Association on Alcohol, Drugs and Disability

Peninsula map.jpg

Resources for Students